Sunday, April 25, 2010

Isla Isabela and on to Mazatlan

Now for some offshore sailing
42 kt miles and the wind on the nose, which seems to be 50% of the time, but thats what the "iron sail" is for 5 kts and 8 hrs later, we arrive 5:30 and drop the anchor on the east side, nice and calm for an 16 kt wind. we join 3 other boats, Sonrisa that we shared anchorage in Chamela. Another boat pulls in after us out of the west. We anchor in 22ft over sand and rock. More rock then sand, with cracks, dubbed the "anchor eater", the water was so clear we could see our anchor set in a nice bed of sand. We are just south of 2 pinnacles rising out of the water, 250 ft called Las Monas,the mannequins.they are impressive. As we relaxed with our compadre, Dos Equis, a tradition after we drop anchor, 100s of tropical fish come to check us out. Noah and Kiya put on googles and fins and swim in the warm water, now thats cool..You know when kids are having fun when they are too busy to talk to you.The beach to the west had some soft rollers to add to the ambeiance.we haven't had this pristine feeling since the Baja.
     Next day, after homework, we head to shore,we dingy in between the two pinnacles then on to the fishing village, to see the some 500 frigettes and Boobies, the blue footed kind. The entire Island is a bird sanctuary.We get on shore, in a beautiful but small bay, with an inner bay with huts lining the beach. The Island is some 20 miles off the main land and other then the part time fishermen, only a warden lives on the 1 x2 mile island.Theres a map at the head of the trail, which we get lost  at the not finished concrete building. Dozens of, basking in the sun, iguanas are everywhere, some are scary big 24",same with the birds, big birds, like 50 per tree about 15 ft tall, tree that is. we cut across the Island to the west side,in between the abandoned latrines the the not so abandoned latrines,it gets a little overwelming, back in the dingy around the point for some more snorkling.After lunch,  2:30, we head out for the sail to Mazatlan 16hr it's going to be an overnighter, hoping to be in by 10 am.
Gypsywind on the high seas