The next few days we spent with Barb and Micheal Harrison and Daniel, There is something mysteriously bonding between sailors, perhaps a common behaviour out of the everyday norm, it even gets deeper as time goes on, i thought bout it alot and i think, when we spent the days in the beginning right after the Ba ha ha the Bay of Muertos, several boats there had an interesting bonding and after a few days there, some of us sailed a very rough passage together to anchor in the nick of time,( before dark,) i recall whatcha gonna do, Gypsywind, and Theaopholis, babeze and a few other quietly being grateful that evening, tucked away in a breathtaking anchorage and feeling safe, boat people bond quickly and deeply in these moments , we have endured together and we understood each other. We have had many of these times with Watcha Gonna Do. Our Children have become best Friends, and this fluke meeting in Mazatlan after 8 months was not just by chance, it was a happening!!
We arrived to find Babeze 3 slips down from us docked at the El Cid for the last few months
last year on my birthday Barb and Tanya (Meshach)spent the day with me doing yoga and going for coffee and doing women things. This year for my birthday, who would have guessed i was doing yoga with Barb who has become this most amazing instructor. and out for dinner with the watcha gonna do crew and gypsywind crew (thank-you Micheal for the sweet Caroline in open market Plaza Machado)!!