Saturday, December 26, 2009


what a amazing experience this crossing didfor us after the husssel and bussel of La paz and doing all the projects we took on we shoved off 6 hours ahead of our dear freind Meshach, whom we have been buddy boating and sharing food and laughs. That evening we rounded the north end of Cerroval Island and headed straight for P.V. the crossing would be our longest to date as a family and we hoped for good wind and small seas. we got the small seas and the wind was not really there for the most part we sailed a bit but had to mostly motor at one point we found our selves completly alone out in the middle 24 km radius for 12 hours not a boat on the radar the seas were glass As i was memsmorized by the beauty and the oddness of it all i can say is it looked like liquid mercury and sometimes like saranwrap for as far as your eyes can focus and all through the night it was like this it made you feel super calm and weird that we were out there miles and miles in the open ocean and everything was so calm. That the day we decided to make shortbread since it was christmas coming and would be th 23rd when we got to where we were going. we hung the garlnd and made shell decorations  it cheered the boat and put us in the mood.I find it funny with xmas and no snow its our first time.

we arrived in PV 23rd. with one day of shopping and a rolly anchorage. we had a good rest.