Monday, April 19, 2010

a Blast in San Blas

We left La Cruz late, got held up by a South African boat,more like a mini ship beautiful motor boat 63 ft off to the Maquases, they got out 500 miles and had to return, alternater problems.

The sail up to Guayabitos was lovely, it was nice to shut the engine off, 10kts of wind on our port bow and we were sailing 5kts. As we reached Guaybitos, our destination, its not rated as the best anchorage in north wind, we realized by the time we entered the bay, we will not have enogh light to change our mind and sail to the next anchorage, Chacala some 8 miles north. We sailed on to Chacala, got in in time to enjoy the big orange sunset. Four other boats all with stern anchers out, so we did the same, well if the first night didn't go down as the rolliest anchorage the second night did.  Next day we went ashore, walked in town, walked on the beautiful beach, had drinks then supper. Kim said this is what crusing is all about, it was a cute small town, that made you feel like you could stay forever. Then we got back on the boat, it was the southwest swell the only side not protected. We left the next day for San Blas. Looking over our shoulder for Tynamarra. Another perfect day of sailing, this is messing with my theory that there is good wind only 15% of the time. The seas were gentle 2 ft helping us along from the south west.
Our charts and guide books are not the best for San Blas, Mexican charts are natoriously in accurrate, our chart plotter is showing us on land 1 1/2 miles, we round the point a mile off shore, usually we sail two, but we have a pinicale that can't be seen 3 miles off, it makes us nervous.We finish our sail it's only 5 o clock, but the entrance to the esuary harbor is tricky, and until we punch in it's position into the chart plotter, it is easy to confuse one point for the other. one of the guides has one point missing on the drawing. we sail north a mile off shore, we have rocks in the water and breakers on every point. This is what makes sailing a little nerve racking.I should mention that four boats went aground this season, another boat was lost further up the coast on a simular type of enterance. Finally Kim spots the Break water in the Spyglass, we are within 3 miles and the correct angle of approch.We now have big rock out of the water coming up, can't tell yet what side to take, a bouy appears on our port bow,"what the hell is that" as we make our way Kim is not feeling good about this one, then the breakwaters appear, just as in the guide book, only ploblem is. there is surf in between them.Exactly what happened to the people who lost their boat.Kim suggests we phone for assistance to the port captian. After some deliberation we radio anyone in the San Blas anchorage. "this is Gypsywind, this is our first time in San Blas asking for some assistance as to how to enter the estuary. "This is Third day how can I help?" Rich and his daughter Amy come out on thier dingy  over to starboard and guide us in behind the surf,all we had to do was follow their dingy.He warned us we were to cross a shoal 10 ft deep. The surf by the way is breaking with the 7th or so, being 5ft in we come in the swell lifts us, as we get to the rollers one big one lifts us and for a moment we were surfing the wave. Kim asks if I''m powered up I was 5.8 kts we were coming in. on the back side it's calm. We follow Third day up in a zig zag pattren avoiding the shoals.We get around the bend and drop the hook next to Third Day.
Rich comes over with a map of town with the 50 locations marked and a directory. Oh by the way your lucky, saturday is potluck at 6 o clock at the marina rooftop.I look at my watch it's 5:45, he informs us we are still on PV time. Kim whips together her killer thai salad we pile into the dingy join 6 other cruising boats for a evening of fun, sharing stories and advice. That was before the noseemes come out, we got eaten alive, by 8 pm the roof was empty as we stumbled down the stairs.The trip back to the boat was at full trottle , we slam the companion way shut. Thank goodness Rich warned us, Nikita, Noah and I put up screens when Kim was making the salad. Well there we were, mosquito coils smokin, screens on, hatch closed , wasn't this cosy.
On everyones advice, Kiya of all people kicks everyone out of bed at 7:30, and we are off  for the Jungle River Tour. We catch a taxi 30 pesos $2.75  what an amazing 3 hrs, we really liked the Tennicatita tours but this was a a  step up from that, the wild life, turtles, crocs, Birds (the birds were amazing) one of the stops was a fresh water spring, for swimming.we stopped for refreshments at the Crocodilaria. okay from here we took a taxi up the old Fort and church, Kiya loved this it was old and you wondered what might have taken place in the ages before us, the cannons outside the walls were at least ten feet long,

we went on to enjoy what is rumored to be the best pizza in mexico, we can atest, we've had some pretty bad pizzas. Imagine a home concrete, with the front room being the resturant, in full view of her personal kitchen and living room c/w tv and couches with the rest of the family. the pizza was fantastic, homemade dough.
we rushed home locked ourselves up with more duck tape on the screens, and hoped for the best.

well we did it all in one day so as not to subject ourselves to yet a third night of noseeme feeding. oh by the way the also come out at sunrise. The morning Amigo Net is our weather source, and who should be running the net that morning? non other than our new freind Rich on Third Day. needless to say our reception was perfect, by the way this net reaches california -southren mexico border, we were greatful to hear fair winds for our morning sail to Isla Isabela (8 hour sail ) and fair weather anchorage, Havey wanted to kiss the chart plottor because it gave him a crumb trail to follow  out through the entrance.

SURFS UP.........