Saturday, January 30, 2010

Melaque Hasn't Changed

Melaque and Bara de Navidad mark half way for us on our trip, the town is so welcoming we feel at home, sort of.We have anchored in the bay the only safe spot, north tucked in against the jagged rocks, the beach ends here , 2 miles of pure sand, also the better dingy landing, small swell. or so we thought Noahs words every time is "dad are we gonna get soaken?"

Tenacatita was so nice we stayed a week, and forgot to write. Friends on Evergreen stayed over because we arrived, and Qual Chan also with three kids on board said there not leaving. We had a palapa resturant on the beech, I liked that, with a camp ground atached.Only a few tents on the week end,and some Mexican boys playing guitar and harmonizing real nice.This was snorkling heaven, clear water down to thebottom, 25 ft. Two dolifins came to great us and cheak out the anchor we had just set, they were the big gray ones, twirling around our anchor chain, like a bunch of kids. The only other thing on
tthis beach is the Blue bay Hotel all inclusive, not all that inviting to yatistas.

We crossed the bay, three miles on our dingys with Evergreen into the town La Manzania, we have been here before, small with most of the beach buildings are renting to Gringos, nice beech. But going over we stoped and talked if we should head back the chop was up, Dennis & carol got swamped in a trough. we carried on landed just bearly, looked back at the bay and said oh shit.Did we just come through that.
Oh well it will probably die down in the afternoon, it blew hard all afternoon, after having lunch at the Dutch place with veggie burgers, and a few cervazas we realaxed,walked the beach, fed the alligators, shopped.
I think they're crocadiles,$1.50 buys you a bag of fish parts, no one was feeding them,so we did. 8 big ones with a few babys, Carol asked what keeps them in, I said the caution tape of course, on the other side, the fence had 2 holes in it putting Noah and Kiya within 5 ft of the teeth, Noah of coarse needs to bounce pebbles off the head to get a reaction, they did enjoy the fish.

The other neat thing was the river ride on our dingys through the mangroves, about an hour long, crocs in here too, we got pictures, all kinds of wild life. At the end you come to a big lagoon with a dock of sorts, this is the back side of Tenicatitta township, one bay over, Resturants grocery store, small Hotel, not on the water a beautiful half moom beach. You walk over the ridge to the next bay and you are in the best snorkling grounds anywhere, called the Aquarium. It was easy for a week to pass , it felt like a few days. The kids did not want to leave. Running low on gas for the dingys, and propane which we didn't fill in PV

Well here we are in Melaque, a larger town maybe 6000, with probibly 3/4 of the Gringos are Canadian,3/4 of which live here for a min. of three months, most of who come here every year. the town joke is " so which part of B.C. are you from?"  The place does not feel overly touristy, even though it is. Its where the mexicans come for a holiday. We are one of three boats in the bay, most which we can't see are in the lagoon in Bara 30 or so. If i could chose just one stop it would probaly be here.We are getting ready to great Leeza, Kims' mom sister, Victoria and the kids in a few days.

      Gypsy wind standing by on the side.