Friday, January 8, 2010

a Palapa in Yelapa

    Well it doesn't get better than this. No cars , a small mexican village, discovered by the hippies in the sixties. I think we seen a few of the ones who chose to stay. the whole place has a laid back feel, very laid back.
The first day we walked the town, streets are 3, 4,5 ft wide with the odd spot at 8 ft. as we walked in amoungst the washed laundry we kept looking for the main street, there are none, the village is a maze of paths, non straight and cobblestone of coarse. Two mini grocery stores, every 10 th house  is a cafe, hardware store or selling clothes or their art. Not touristy just a way of life. the touristy part are 5 palapa reasturants on the beach, who cater to the tourists that arrive by water taxi for the day, 12 to 4pm they all close at 5pm except the one that stays open to serve the ones that are staying here. One hotel that has wifi, is the other place to eat, great food and reasonable. the hotel is a bunch of huts with palm leaf roofs, no windows just sutters, very organic, oh did I mention they have a pool, made out of rocks with boulders in and aroung the edge.
We have spent 2 days hiking the waterfalls on two different rivers. yesterdays hike was into the mountains, 5 hrs, that was amazing, swam in the fresh water under the falls. the most amazing was the trail up that went through every village, complete with cows, chikens, and many horses, mule and donkey stables.
you could see the pride in horsemanship, lots of leather work.The houses are poor, and simple, the people freindly and kind.
     Today we are on the beach e mailing, just in case you think this is not so special, after the two boats left today we were the only yacht left, three others arrived, one non other then, Bill Gates, his boat only slightly larger than ours.
    Victor has got us motivated to take in a lot of sights, it has been great having him on board, the New Years Dinner  he cooked is etched in my mind.
   the last Bay we werein was Boca De Tomatlan, where we caught up to our friends Mishach, after they showed us the town, they arrived one day earlier, we hung on the beach with the locals and finished the evening with pizza on Gypsywind, (we've got the oven).
the next day Mishach left, and we caught the bus to Chicos' paradise for a swim in the river and lunch on the cliffs. The local diver gave us a personal tour, and later entertained a lot of us with 3 dives, maybe 25 ft, but at least 12 to 15 ft over a boulder, the pool he landed in about 8x12 with boulders all around, the second dive was a summer sault, the last was blind folded, most could barely watch. The days have been amazing, and eazy to loose track of the days. the one thing we have had trouble with is the internet, it seems it is far and few between that we have service.
We will try to fill you in when we can. Today is one of those days you dream about, beach, sun, hammock, cervesa got to go!
            Gypsywind over and out